Hey guys,So I've been feeling guilty since I haven't been posting anything but polyvore sets for the last month. Also, I just yelled the hell out of my sister for no good reason...but I apologized. So anyways, I took a picture of my outfit today, and it is a Saturday kind of outfit, cause I lack the balls to wear this kinda thing to school. Which, speaking of, is a whole separate rant (next post guys). Then i felt like finding any and all the pictures i have taken of outfits or my friends have taken in the last tree or so months. So here goes. From Facebook:
hmmm... pardon the size discrepancy...and also the manical faical expression.I'm a strange duck. in the little one i'm wearing a Nordstrom cardigan and tank top. in the big one its the same cardigan and an american apparel skirt and urban outfitters t-shirt.
This one is actually from a photo shoot I modeled for my friend, and its not my dress or hat, but the dress is the makeup person's and its Rodarte for Target. I LOVE THIS DRESS AND WILL OWN IT SOMEDAY.
This amazing picture was taken by my dear-darling friend Elizabeth, and I'm wearing her dress and I think my other friend Sinead's shirt and definitely her scarf. And those are 3-D movie glasses, folks. I'm just keepin' it real.
This is an awesome boutique I found in section seven, this famed factory reject/ knockoff street in Tain Mu. This place is actually much higher- end than the other stores there. It is still pretty affordable though, and carries one size and one copy of a piece of clothing, mostly from Korean brands. And of course, it's all tiny Asain sizes. I fit some of it, but I was short on cash on the day I visited, so I got this awesome grey scarf in lieu of some dress or shirt. This was a while ago, so I don't remember perfectly.
This was at our uber chic little boutique hotel we stayed at until our apartment was done being renovated. We liked it...thats an understatement. There was a TV over our jacuzzi tub, people! And a free mini-bar. We were practically in tears when we had to leave. But ANYWAYS! I'm wearing a Papaya dress as a vest, a Calvin Kline tank top, and an American Apparel skirt.

And, finally, todays outfit. I started out wearing overalls and a blue t-shirt, but it was not meant to be. :) I decided that I wanted something more girly to wear, and so: viola! Tank top: Target; belt: vintage; skirt: hand-me-down.
And there you have it, folks, my last few months in review...but not really. Hahaha. Enjoy!