Emma Here-
Ok, so I'm wearing an outfit I actually like a lot today, but my stooopid sister will not take pictures of me, so I can't inform all you riveted viewers properly. I can describe it, however. I am wearing an american apparel Helvetica tee (it has a letter in the font Helvetica) with the letter E, of course, a blue sort of paisley and flower printed skirt that is belted with a skinny plain leather belt. Then I'm wearing pink mid-shin socks with little roses and black lace up boots previously seen here. It may or may not clash horribly, but I like these boots a lot.I just got back from a tea party at my friends house, and I must say, I love tea party fashion. So fresh and springy and prim! I was wearing a much more old fashioned style of tea party dress from the other party guests, but I didn't feel out of place with their much shorter cottony dresses. It all went well together. Thats me in the white dress. :)

I also channeled my inner hipster yesterday by wearing skinny jeans, sort-of Keds, v-neck shirt, and lots of brass jewelry. Ok, maybe besides the jewelry that is all more resemblant of a male hipster, but whatever. I wore wayfarers.
Now I'm trying to think of other things that have happened to me. I got a haircut! I have my bangs back (I missed them) and more layers, so more curliness. All good.
And so now, dear riveted viewers, I must go.
Au revior!
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