I have been suupa busy with school and all, and on top of that I started this ballet class and I'm going to be in my schools dance production. (with the amazing part of group ensemble!) I am not so great at dancing, so its strange that I want to dance a lot now. Ballet is really more technique at this point than free, uninhibited self expression, so I don't see it as the same as moulin rouge...we'll see how this goes.
Fashion wise, I have not been in a rut per se, however, I never have exceptional enough outfits to warrant picture taking...or i'm just lazy. Maybe i'll set up a camera by the door so I can take a picture every day on my way to school. The most daring thing I have worn in the last few weeks was a plaid shirt, floral two-tiered skirt, and green tights. It worked, you'll just have to trust me on this.
There is a very interesting trend in Taiwan. It seems much more popular here than in the states. There are all these young fit twenty-somethings wearing baggy jeans and sneakers, along with (usually) fake glasses. Its very...gangsta chic. I must admit, I like it.
AND! I CANNOT WAIT FOR WINTER. I bet I say this every summer, and by the time it is winter I'm miserable and cold, but I really can't wait this time. Ill eat my words later, but right now sweating profusely from running around the track once is not fun.
And this concludes my string of consciousness welcome-back-post. (I'm welcoming myself back, of course. )
OH! And I now have a year long subscription for Lula. My life may very well be complete.
1 comment:
I don't feel as though it is absolutely nessesary to state this, as you already know my opinion of New Zealandish/Maori accents, but in case you forgot... THEY ARE THE BOMB! I love the way Whale Rider Girl (I forget her name) says 'grandpeerents'!! Plus I am lovin' the pronounciation 'beck'. A few more comments from me: I cannot wait for winter either!! Or just blustery fall where we can pass off as normal people while wearing coats and boots and scarves etc.!! Plus I wanted to make the comment that I wore some purple tights the other day AND I have a pair of green tights waiting to be used. The problem was that the purple tights did not look so great with my ingdigo-ish dress for multiple reasons. So I must find a use for both pairs. Also I wanted to say that I am missing you in rowing every stankin' day. Except it is really boring because today Hanna and I 'learned' the pick drill. For the kajillionth time. And I hope you like cross-country and dance. I'm savin' up my moneys to come to Taiwan!
<3 Sinead
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