Friday, July 2, 2010

NEW SHOES GAHH! (and camera)

The world is suddenly very shiny. I think it is now okay to have two copies of two CD's and I will stop complaining. I may have even found God. Yes thats right, people! I have new shoes. TWO new pairs of shoes! Granted, one of those pairs is not so high fashion, on account of them being Birkestocks, but do I care? Course not! They are so comfy and preety I will wear them to heal mah feetz after wearing the other shoes I got.

Shoes from Birkenstock store
Which are high heels, and I looove them too! They are all lace up and oxfordish and awesome. Although, they really are awesome in a heinous way. But... I think I can rock this, guys!

shoes from Buffalo Exchange

And, coincedeatally, we were also at goodwill yesterday, where I looked at every camera and thought about if it would work at all, and this one was twice as expensive as the others (it was $10) and it was missing a filter, but, c'mon! It has character and grace and elegance and beauty!! Sorry for the blurry picture, its really rainy here in Austin, so the light is being weird.

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